Who are we

The Assam Association of Vancouver founded in 2017 is a non-profit, socio-cultural organization to promote, foster and showcase rich cultural heritage of Assam in India and registered in Vancouver, under BC Registries and Online services. It primarily promotes Multiculturalism and racial tolerance among the different communities originating from Assam as well as from different parts of the world in the province of British Columbia

Our Mission

Helping the younger generation preserve, protect and advance our cultural heritage. Helping promote our culture to the broader Canadian community by organizing our cultural events and participating in other cultural events. To assist people in British Columbia, originating from or has ties to Assam India, in every possible way in their economic or other professional pursuits. The association is also engaged in helping the local community with charitable work like Food banks and Disaster-relief. As a non-profit organization, would raise funds to organize multicultural events and showcase the beauty of cultural pluralism in Beautiful British Columbia. To teach our younger generation the value of multiculturalism and racial tolerance. Will provide a platform to network with business and promote other economic activity in this region. Will provide volunteering opportunities to our community youth during events organized by us. Will provide bursaries and awards to youths/students who showcase exemplary commitment to cultural and community involvement.
